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CVA Bullock Hill Conservation Park, Great Southern BioBlitz

Sat, 29 Oct


Bullock Hill Conservation Park - Wattle

Please join us for a bird survey of Bullock Hill Conservation Park as part of the Great Southern Bioblitz

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CVA Bullock Hill Conservation Park, Great Southern BioBlitz
CVA Bullock Hill Conservation Park, Great Southern BioBlitz

Time & Location

29 Oct 2022, 8:30 am – 11:00 am ACDT

Bullock Hill Conservation Park - Wattle , Ashbourne SA 5157, Australia

About the Event

Please join us for a bird survey of Bullock Hill Conservation Park as part of the Great Southern Bioblitz 

Our walk will be guided by John Gitsham and beginners and bird enthusiasts are welcome. We are aiming to spot as many species as we can to record on iNaturalist. All pairs of eyes are valued!  

Bul­lock Hill Con­ser­va­tion Park is a pic­turesque undu­lat­ing park with a mix of habi­tat types. From tall stands of euca­lyp­tus, includ­ing pink gum, and cup gum through to native grasslands in the east. On the west­ern side of the park under the euca­lypt wood­lands, is a dense under­sto­ry of aca­cia and mixed heath. This com­bi­na­tion of habi­tats pro­vides home to a vari­ety of small bird species, includ­ing Brown-head­ed hon­eyeaters, Red-wat­tle birds, and Grey shrike-thrush. We may even be reward­ed with a sight­ing of a Rain­bow bee-eater or Black-faced cuck­oo-shrike.   

Significant revegetation has been established in the park over recent years, and we will be looking to see if that has led to any changes in bird species diversity.  

We will walk for approximately 2 hours and share morning tea (provided).  

Bullock Hill Conservation Park is on land connected to the Ngarrindjeri and Peramangk people.  

For more information, please contact Jacqui at 0488 295 521.

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Ferox australis acknowledges Aboriginal people as the First Peoples and Nations of the lands and waters we live and work upon and we pay our respects to their Elders past and present. We acknowledge and respect the deep spiritual connection and the relationship that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have to Country.

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