What is the Intervarsity BioBlitz Challenge?
The Intervarsity BioBlitz Challenge is a national BioBlitz event, bringing together students and environmental groups all over Australia.
For this BioBlitz, University students will compete in a challenge to discover as many species as possible on their campus grounds, as well as in their surrounding conservation parklands with the help of local friends of/environmental groups.
Who can participate and how?
Anyone can participate.
The idea behind this challenge is to encourage universities to not only help collect important biodiversity data but to also collaborate with local friends of/environmental groups.
However, observations will need to be made on the participating university campus grounds or parklands areas during September 13th - 26th (ACST) using the iNaturalist platform.

How do I join?
To view what areas are participating or to view the project, check out the iNaturalist umbrella project below.
To register your own university in the challenge, create a project on iNaturalist (see example). Make sure to include all university campus grounds and one local parkland of your choosing.. When this is done, please contact us directly and we will add this officially to the umbrella project.