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Wombat Forestcare Community Event

At the end of April, Pete (iNat: @possumpete) travelled to the Wombat State Park to present on iNaturalist, and then later that evening set up a moth light and biodiversity survey.

Pete presents to the Wombat Forestcare group, supported by the Victorian Forest Alliance.

The events were very well attended, with around 40 participants for each session. It was a chilly evening, but a range of moths was still attracted to our lights. Including an impressive not-a-moth - this Hairy Alpine Cicada.


A highlight was meeting people passionate about their local environment and its protection. Some amazing past and current campaigners for forest protection were interested to learn about using iNaturalist for citizen science and biological surveys.

Biological consultant Ian Temby brought along an infrared scope and immediately found a feathertail glider. Watching it spring acrobatically around the canopy was quite incredible, and quite possibly my best mammal-observing experience ever!

Also, meeting the next generation of moth lovers was fantastic! Arturo (iNat: r2d2robot) uploads some great photos of biodiversity on iNaturalist, and was our youngest but most keen participant on the night.


1 Comment

Stephen Fricker
Stephen Fricker
May 06, 2023

Great post Pete looks like a great turn out

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