Another busy month and about time to catch up on how have we been tracking in our Monthly Challenge over this time with another splendid effort, in the last couple of months we all contributed a massive effort. The numbers will only go up as people may upload observations in the next few weeks. As of writing, we have contributed.
Observations 10, 749 (10, 211 in Australia alone)
Species 3, 324
Identifiers 715
Observers 73 (30 with more than 50 observations at the time of writing)
#Where have our been made?

© 2022_NASA, TerraMetrics
Observations 7, 226 (6, 179 in Australia alone)
Species 2, 691
Identifiers 707
Observers 67 (30 with more than 50 observations at the time of writing)
#Where have our been made?

© 2022_NASA, TerraMetrics
Join the 'Activating for Citizen Science' project
Together our 61 Australian observers accounted for substantial contributions to the overall records made all contributing;
August 6 % of the 103, 485 observations recorded in Australia while in September AACS records made up 7.1% of the 150, 709 observations recorded in Australia'
The 150, 709 records made in September is an increase of 20,000 or an increase of 14% on the previous year.
It is interesting to see the amazing number of orchid records that have been place on iNaturalist over the past few weeks.

You can install the Wild Orchid Watch (WOW) app on your mobile device, simply by typing in your internet browser: (or select the button below) and follow the prompts. The WOW app is a progressive web app, so it sits on the web, not in the app store, but looks just like a regular app once installed.
The most observed species in September 2022
The most observed species in September was a tie between the Magpie Gymnorhina tibicen (here) with Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog Litoria fallax both with 34 observations all from Queensland, you can check them all out here.

Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog Litoria fallax ©Greg Tasney (CC-BY-SA).
Highlights for the month
The Great Southern Bioblitz is coming up at the end of October so get out practicing!
We have 186 areas from 23 countries taking part!
To find you local area check out the umbrella project and why not join?
